Thursday, December 26, 2013 How to Push Down Negative Posts in Google with Social Media Websites

Expecting growth in business without having good market reputation is like expecting a victory over your enemy at the battlefield without having bullet proof dress and quality guns in your hands. If you don’t possess good reputation in the market, anyone will feel scared to use your product because people will have no idea how your product will work for them. However, some of them will dare to take your product and that will help you create your reputation which will lead you to create your market.

But, if you have bad name in the market, then none would show a dare to think about your product. What to talk about others, you and me too will not take any product if we come to know that any product that we want to take has bad reputation in the market. Therefore, it is must for you to protect your online reputation at any cost if you want to succeed in your business.

As per online reputation experts at, social media websites can be very much helpful for you to push down the Google rankings of negative reviews. How? Google promotes strong social media profiles in its search results. So, if anyone posts anything negative against you and that negative post gets first page Google ranking, you can push down the ranking of that post by creating your strong social media profiles. You must be thinking how you can create strong social media profiles. It is not very difficult as you can do this by showing a little smartness. You will have to get connected with huge number of their users; you will have to share offers, news, product details…; and you will have to establish positive communication with the friends. Create your accounts on as many as websites you can. Don’t forget Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter at all. If you have your accounts on 30 to 40 social media websites and if Google shows only 10 to 15 of them in its top 20 search results, it may be a possibility that the negative post may be out of top 10 or 20 search results.

So, what are you thinking now? Just follow this advice of and push down the ranking of negative post.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Some Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Online Business Campaign

At, we receive plenty of calls and emails from many small businesses and start ups regarding do’s and don’ts for a successful online business campaign. Since the number of calls and emails sometimes goes so high that it becomes impossible for us to reply, we have decided to let you know about the same on our blog.

  • Make your website easy to navigate.
  • Upload short, well-informed, and original content on your website.
  • Use practical phrases that a common internet user types to seek any information as keywords.
  • Add links to your website from high authority websites only.
  • Write original articles, blogs, and guest blogs and submit them on high authority content submission websites.
  • Get links to your website from your posts.

  • Don’t steal content from any other website to develop your website’s content or develop your articles or blogs.
  • Don’t upload anything on your website that is useless for the visitors of your website.
  • Don’t do keyword stuffing.
    Don’t get/give/exchange links with any low authority website.
By taking care of these do’s and don’ts, you can surely improve the rankings and traffic to your website. If you want more information on the same, you can write us at

Monday, December 23, 2013 A Synonym for Reliance but Why? which was established almost five years ago has almost become a substitute word for the word ‘reliance’. The company has got this complement from the side of its clients. Would you like to know the reasons? They are as following:

All the services of are guaranteed. Not only guarantee of result but also guarantee of satisfaction is available with all of them. has worked for more than 1000 clients so far but not received a single complaint from any of its clients. Besides, it has received plenty of recommendation letters and testimonials from many of its clients. believes that nothing matters more than delivering committed results to its clients. And this is not possible without having skilled leaders in the company. So, it has hired highly experienced professionals as its project managers. They with their respective teams put their level best efforts to deliver better than the committed results to the clients.

Unlike many other companies, has a research cell that searches for new tricks to provide fast and long lasting result to the clients at most reasonable cost. Until research team gives a plan no work is done for any project.

So far you must have understood why is said to be a synonym for ‘reliance’. If you have any doubt, visit its website and have a communication with its sales team and then you will also say what its most of the clients say.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why You Need a Good Online Reputation Management Company

In the online world there are several things that are to be kept in mind. In fact it needs to be said with alacrity that there are several things that need to be guarded zealously. One thing among them is the online reputation. The world that we are living in at the moment is full of people who are smeared from top to bottom with negativity and wants to spread that negativity all around them. These people do not realize that the negativity that they spread around them is only going to make this world a difficult place to live in. The case becomes peculiar when it is the online world that is in question. In the online world just one bad word about a business or an individual can really lead to some difficult situations.

The presence of sites like the Ripoff report, Yelp, consumer complaints, complaints board .com has really made the life of the malicious bloggers and rumor mongers very easy. All that they need to do is place a negative report on these sites and then wait for the things to happen on their own. The fact is that even if a single negative comment is placed on any of these sites then the things would happen pretty fast against the business or the entity that is suffering the ire.

These sites are protected by the federal laws and thus do not have to remove the content that is placed on them. Even the search engines give high importance to these sites. The corrigenda that are given by the attacked businesses do not feature on the search engines. Thus it becomes very difficult for the businesses that have got their images tarnished by such reports to get their images back. The only thing that can save them is a professional online reputation company that would help the businesses in regaining the lost paradise. 

The ways in which the online reputation management company would be of help:
  • It would publish positive content like blogs, articles, forums and social media and publish them on various sites.
  • Thorough and exhaustive optimization of the positive content would be done that would completely cloud the negative content.

The above stated points can only be accomplished by an experienced reputation management company. Thus it is always wise to make sure that the online reputation management of a business is handled by a top SEO company in India that has the wherewithal as well as the volition to help the businesses with smeared reputations. And, in this regard can be a good choice for those who want to manage there online reputation smartly.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Why Link Building Is Necessary

It is a well known fact that internet is a vast field. The other thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the internet is presided over by the search engines who list the various websites on the basis of the merits of the websites. Every search engine has an algorithm according to which it judges the merit of the websites. The links form the highways and the paths between the various websites and also the search engines. The search engines use the links to access the pages of the website, and also to make sure whether the website is good enough to be ranked high on the search engines.

If a website receives back links from genuine websites then it is a case for a higher ranking, but if the website is receiving links from some spammy sites then it is a case of illegal tactics and could lead to some severe punishment from the search engines. There are many web masters with a bent of mind that getting a large number of links from some bogus sites can lead to higher ranking on the search engines but that is not true. Even though this might prove successful in the short run, the long term scenario would only be tragic for the website and the owner and promoter of the website.

Late 1990s saw the search engines use the links as the votes that would decide the importance and the popularity of the website on the web. The engines themselves have refined their algorithms to a highly complex level and thus it makes sure that only the website receiving quality back links are featured high on its search engine result pages. It can easily be said that an augmented link profile of a website is a clear invitation to the search engines to rank the site higher. But then once again the links being received by the websites should be from the trustworthy sites. Trustworthy sites send their links to the other trustworthy sites whereas the spammy sites do not receive links from the trustworthy sites. Thus it is not only important to increase the link popularity of the website but it is also important to make sure that the back links being received are from the trustworthy sites. Only such a phenomenon would lead to a higher ranking on the engines.

The more popular a website is the more weight do the links carry from that site to the other sites. For instance the links from Wikipedia, which itself carries about 1000 links, would mean a high quality website and would help in ranking high on the search engines.

A top SEO company in India would realize the importance of link building. Contact today to get the high quality link building services.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Internet Marketing Is the Name of The Game

The businesses across the globe have only one agenda in their minds and that is to earn maximum profits from their endeavors. They used the two mediums that were the print medium and the electronic medium. But the arrival and the consequent spread of the internet has really opened new vistas for the people and the businesses to meet each other in the most effective of manners. All that is needed from the businesses is to get them listed on the search engines. All that is needed is just one click of the mouse and a host of companies would be displayed on the screen of the customer. The customer then can make the choice and go ahead and make the purchase.

The one thing that really needs to be understood comprehensively is that the arrival of the net has really changed the way people use to think about making their purchases. While in the earlier days every time they use to think about making the purchases they would think about going to the markets and then making the purchases the arrival of the internet has really changed that perception. Now when the people think about shopping or have similar ideas on their minds then all that they think about is sitting in front of their systems and then making their selections.

It all began with the site that is better known as the selling books to the people. Now there are many e-commerce sites that have really helped the people in making the most out of their shopping experiences. The phenomenon is better known as the internet marketing. This is the way forward for the people as well as the businesses that have their designs well cut out for them.

Internet marketing has not only changed the way of shopping for the people but has also changed the ways in which the people and businesses interact with each other. The one thing that really matters is that the people should be really smart enough to make the right choices. As far as the businesses are concerned the only thing that should really matter to them is that they should be able to market themselves in the most appropriate manner. The right way to do that is through the use of the experience of the various SEO companies in India that have the expertise as well as the volition to help them in their internet marketing endeavors. And one of the best SEO companies you can choose is Contact RankingBySEO today to discuss your SEO campaign.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Internet is the gift of the 21st century

The world has seen the tremendous changes over the past few centuries.

  1.  The 19th century was the century of the physics. Tremendous amount of theories as well as experiments were performed that changed the lives of the millions of people and gifted to the world some of the most revolutionary of instruments and gadgets.
  2.  The 20th century belonged to the Information technology that gifted the world one of the most important of innovations known as the internet. This revolutionary invention has really changed the ways in which the people carry out their day to day jobs and the businesses carry out their major operations.
  3. While the twentieth century belonged to the subject of physics as far as academics is concerned, the 21st century belongs to the internet. In comparison there is a whale of a difference between the two dominations. While physics was mostly helping the engineers in producing technically advanced products, the internet has actually overwhelmed all the areas of the lives of the human beings. To count a few:

    a) A you can watch television on the internet and that is a lot cheaper thing.
    b) The concept of e-learning is really fast catching up with the major countries across the globe.
    c) The hospitals are using the facilities of the internet in order to make sure that their medical facilities get advanced.
    d) Almost all the government agencies across the globe use the services of the internet in order to make sure that they are able to carry out their daily jobs in an effective manner.

There are many other uses of the World Wide Web as well. The one thing that really needs to be said is that the people or the masses have taken the internet by heart. They have really lapped up the invention and now do all of their works on the net, and through the net.

The internet has created a big impact in the world of marketing and business. In the earlier times prior to the arrival of the internet the only two instruments of marketing that the people had were that of electronic media as well as the print media. The advent of the internet has changed all that. If the three media are used in tandem by the marketing personal than only sky would be the limit for the marketing and advertising people.

The passage of time has really seen tremendous growth of internet. The scientists and the other researchers are still carrying forward the torch of innovations and discoveries that would change the world of tomorrow. If you are looking for a internet marketing company for your online business, don't wait anymore and contact today.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Amazing World of SEO

Internet is one of the most mysterious of entities in the world that we live in today. The world of reality that we live in and the world of the internet is poles apart. While the one world that is of the flesh and blood that we see around is highly perceivable and approachable the world of the net is an invisible entity. But it has to be agreed that this world too makes the people of the real world see and communicate with each other in a much elaborate manner without changing their geographical locations.

The world of the internet facilitates the buying and selling of products. In fact it can be said that it has become a very popular meeting ground between the two. The much acclaimed fact about the online world is that it is governed by the search engines like Google. When people no matter in which part of the globe they are living in want to buy a product or services they simply perform the Google act.

The search engines list the various websites of the businesses on their pages on the basis of the worth of that site. The process of listing and ranking of the websites on the various search engines is known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO. The companies that offer these services are known as the SEO companies. In the times when the online world is hit with the social networking sites like Face book and Linked In that are also becoming the most popular modes of advertising on the internet, the one thing that had been said quite aloud is that the days of the search engines are over. But such claims should only be taken with a pinch of salt.

The search engines had and will continue to be the most popular modes of marketing for the businesses and the people would continue to use the Google and the other search engines to find the various articles. Thus the SEO would continue to play an important role in the lives of the businesses that want to be seen on the search engines result pages and that too with a high ranking. The only thing that needs to be clearly seen is that the businesses should select the SEO companies quite intelligently.

Some of the areas that the SEO companies should have an expertise are:

The prospect analysis: The SEO Company should be able to make out the agendas and the opportunities that its clients have in their domain. It should chalk out a strategy that would really benefit the online campaign of their clients.

Keyword research: The keywords play an important part in the entire SEO strategy of the businesses. The SEO Company should use the latest of web tools to make sure that the most appropriate keywords are used for the promotional write-ups as well as the web content.

Link Building: Another key area of SEO is the link building. The number of back links pointing to your website is a clear indication of the success of your website. Back linking is a numbers game. There is a certain number of links that are required to make sure that your website is a success on the search engines. The SEO firm must have the expertise in getting the requisite number of backlinks for their client’s website.

Apart from these three aspects there are many other things that matter in the SEO world. It is an amazing and quite a beautiful world worth venturing. If you are looking for an expert SEO company for your SEO campaign, contact today.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Increasing your online business

Business is a very competitive word. It entails in it so many things that you would be really at the end of your tethers in trying to coagulate all of them. In the normal layman’s parlance the term business can be easily defined as the operation that an organization gets involved in to earn profits. The one thing that really needs mentioning is that ever since humanity started the act of doing business it has used technology in its full power. In the present times the things have changed to a very great extent. Now the technology has gifted us with a miracle known as the internet that is a lot more powerful medium than the other two mediums of electronic and print. The businesses that have realized the potential of this medium have already jumped on the bandwagon and are trying to make their mark felt on the search engines.

It is a well known fact that the world of internet is a unique and an amazing world. People in order to look for the various products search these search engines like Google for the products and services that they seek. But getting listed on the search engines is a long and an arduous task. You first need to get a website designed and developed and then you need to get them listed on the search engine result pages. It is the latter part that is crucial for the businesses. The businesses cannot optimize their sites all by themselves. They need the help of the people who are known as the search engine optimization (SEO) professionals. These are the people who try their level best to fathom the algorithms of the various search engines. These are the people who know what techniques can be performed on the websites of the businesses to make them list higher on the search engine result pages.

Thus the first thing that the businesses need to make sure is that they are able to make the most of the online world. The second thing is that they should take the help of an authentic search engine optimization company that really can help the websites of the businesses climb the ladder of search engine rankings. And, going ahead with a top rated Indian SEO company which is not an affordable option but also gives ROI oriented results can be a great deal for you and is such a company who can help you in this regard.

Monday, February 25, 2013

SEO and Search Engines

Internet is a big channel of communication. The businesses across the globe have realized it and thus are doing their level best in order to capitalize on it. But one truth cannot be ignored at all. This truth is that the world of internet is governed by the search engines like Google that show the websites of the various businesses once a user types the relevant keywords. The search engines list the various websites on the basis of the merits of the websites. The better is the design of the website the higher are the chances of that websites being listed at a vantage position on the search engine result pages.

The process of listing the websites on the search engines and optimizing them is known as the Search Engine Optimization or SEO. The people who do that are known as the search engine optimization professionals.  The search engine optimization professionals are the ones who try their level best to make sure that their client’s website gets listed high on the search engine result pages. In the process they forget the main reason for which the search engines are in existence.

The very reason behind the existence of the search engines is that the people across the globe make their searches on the search engines for various products and services. For instance if they are looking to buy a drug then they would search for that drug on the search engines. Thus the search engines have to make sure that they show the right results to the people who rely on them for making their purchases.

The lesson in it for the SEO professionals is that they have to respect the sanctity of the search engines and thus while promoting the sites have to make sure that they use the techniques that are approved by the search engines. This would make sure that the right business meets the seeking customer and the job of the search engines is done proficiently.

Contact today to see your site ranked higher in search engines.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Indian SEO Company Has Emerged As the Most Successful SEO Companies

It is a well known fact that Internet knows no boundaries. It is omnipresent and is one of the most important marketing vehicles. The one thing that needs to be said about this tool is that it is one of the watershed tools that have been invented by the men of thought and the men of action. Marketing which is one of the biggest beneficiaries of this tool had only two mediums that were the electronic medium and the print medium available with them before the invention of the internet. But the advent of the internet presented the marketers with a whole new world of advertisement that literally changed their perceptions about the ways in which marketing could be done. Among all the places the one country that has really emerged as the most important destinations in the world as far as the search engine optimization is concerned is that of India. The reason behind the Indian SEO Company being rated among the topmost companies that do SEO are as follows:

  • India has a steady infrastructure that can support the hardware and the software required for doing SEO.
  • India has a stable political environment that can really help the Indian SEO Company in carrying out steady SEO operations.
  • India has a sound economic system that can really help the SEO companies in flourishing.
  • The pricing factor for SEO also plays a major role.
  • The people in the country are congenial and warm hearted.

There are many other reasons that are responsible for the emergence of the country of India as one of the most important destinations as far as the SEO work is concerned. Out of all the reasons that are cited above the one and the most important one is that of a flourishing economy. India as a nation is one of the most important economies in the world today. As a result the businesses abroad can really think of making investments in this country. So whether it is a small business SEO or a large business SEO India is the only place that can be trusted by the businesses from across the globe.

Another major reason behind the growth of the Indian SEO Company is the availability of the cheap resources. It is a widely acclaimed fact that India has one of the most educated professionals in the world. These people are not only well educated but are also the most sincere and the most logical in the world. The world of SEO requires that the site that has been promoted to the first page should stay there for a long time to come and this requires the use of the white hat techniques as these are the only techniques that can actually help achieve the agenda. 

One of the best SEO companies in India is RankingBySEO who itself ranks higher along with its bunch of clients in search results for most of the targeted keywords.

SEO Consultants Play a Big Role in Online Advertisement

The only thing that really matters in the world of advertisement is that the impact of the advertisement should be great. The end result of the advertisement should be the one as desired by the business as well as the people who are behind the advertisement. It is a well known fact that the making of an advertisement involves in it the inputs from the representatives of the business and the creative team of the agency that is designing the advertisement. A lot of brainstorming goes behind the making of an advertisement. The media that were available for use in the previous years were the print media as well as the electronic media.  But the advent of the internet has really taken the world by storm. The new age media that the World Wide Web is better known as has changed the ways in which advertising is done.

In the universe called internet the search engines are the only entities that can help the people interested in navigating this universe. These search engines list the various websites according to the intrinsic worth of the websites. On the basis of the merit of the websites the rankings of these websites are done on the pages of the search engines. There are global as well as local search engines that list the websites on their pages. The ranking of the websites is done by the unique algorithms of the search engines. Each search engine has an algorithm that is unique to it. The tenor of this algorithm is unknown to anybody but there are people who can help the businesses in getting good rankings on the search engine pages. The process is known as the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the people who do that are known as the SEO consultants.

In the domain of online advertising the search engines play a big role. The businesses that want to make sure that they stay abreast in the competition need to use the services of an expert SEO consultant. These expert SEO consultants are the ones that have the right resources as well as the willingness to help the businesses in making the most out of the opportunity of internet marketing. These professionals would use the techniques like the white hat techniques and in some cases the grey hat techniques to make sure that the clients get to see their websites perfectly ranked. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Online Reputation Management Would Play a Big Role In The Future World Order

The world that we are seeing at the moment is going through the changes that are abrupt yet timely. The people across the globe had been waiting for a long time for these changes to take place but had been feeling helpless. Be it in the domain of politics, finance, sports, arts, or any other domain the change is what the populations across the globe had been dreaming about. The present times that we are witnessing are the ones that have ushered in the changes that are really forming the backbone of the future world order. In this future world order the one thing that is really going to matter a lot is the reputation of the businesses as well as the individuals. More so in the world of the internet where just one negative listing can break a person’s or an organization’s image.

Image is one thing that goes a long way in deciding the success or failure of an organization. The people who would be working with the organization would continue working with the organization or would recommend more and more number of people to the organization only if the organization enjoys a good repute. Thus reputation management is one thing that can really help the people in deciding whether they really want to work with the organization or not. Reputation management is going to play an important role in the lives of the organizations. The one thing that really means and matters a lot in the world of business is the image that that business has in its field of operations. The situation is more solemn in the online world where the competition is stringent as well as the people need to have a keen eye on the returns that they get on the investment they make.

Although there are people and organizations that claim to be the best in online reputation management but all such claims are to be taken with a pinch of salt. There are not many companies that can claim to be the best when it comes to the online reputation management. There are many things that go into the making of a successful online reputation manager. The first and the foremost thing is the dedication of the individual towards the work that he is doing. The second but nonetheless the most important one is the means that would be adopted while doing the online reputation management.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How a Professional SEO is Useful for Your Business

Business is done for profit, but profit is impossible without sales, which is quite impossible until people know about your business. Simply, we can say business is impossible without public awareness.  A question arises at this point that how you can create mass awareness about your business? There are many media to make your products well known- they are print media, electronic media, and the internet. Electronic and print media are quite expensive, so small businesses can not think about them. The third option internet is quite inexpensive compared to electronic and print media and is more effective than them.

To use internet as a source to promote your business, you will need two things: a website and a professional SEO. Your website will be your face on the internet, while your professional SEO will be a person, who will make your website well known to the world.

To hire a competent professional, you had better search for a website SEO Company in India because this is the country, which is known for delivering high quality work at reasonable price. Over the years, many globally recognized companies have tended to this country for quality execution of their projects that has made India an outsourcing hub. Today, India ranks #1 in amongst countries that offer outsourcing services.

If you succeed to hire an expert search engine optimization company, be sure you will get awesome results soon. Your SEO company will assign your project to their veteran employees, who will first analyze your website and then your competitors’ websites, which will allow them to make a comprehensive strategy for your website.

Once they will start working on your project, you will see improvement in Google rankings of your website that will help your website to not only create awareness but also generate business.

Till now you would have understood how a search engine optimizer can benefit your business and help you to achieve your business goal. So don’t waste your precious time and hire a SEO consultant if you don’t want to get behind in your business.